Category: Blog

  • 5/23 Wooden ventilated facade renovation

    This facade adorned the gable of a family house since its construction in 2011. The purpose was to mimic the appearance of a barn, using Siberian larch boards treated with a clear OSMO oil finish. Regarding the original technical solution, the facade was constructed from two wooden grids, 80×40 mm, perpendicular to each other, anchored…

  • 21/6/23 The capital of Iceland

    Waking up in Reykjavik after a restful night in the car – feeling refreshed! The day began with a noon rendezvous at Mars’s place. We headed to the city center, where she treated me to the most fascinating experiences. We visited a super fancy bakery, marveled at an 80-meter-high concrete church with organs from another…

  • 10/6/23 Wonderful Pompeii

    On this wonderful day, I made the decision to enjoy a relaxing morning at the accommodation due to feeling a bit tired. Meanwhile, Těša embarked on an exciting journey to Scavi, the original Roman settlement in Pompeii, which was, unfortunately, destroyed by volcanic activity. As for me, I took the opportunity to rest, perhaps indulging…

  • 27/5/23 Saturday trip to Vienna

    The day before, I was diagnosed with mononucleosis, great. The blood test results were supposed to come in a month, but the doctor called me in the evening and briefed me on the basic analysis. Nevertheless, the idea of going somewhere for the weekend still persisted; I had a huge tendency to get out of…

  • Building a Community of People Heedful of Their Environment

    Living in harmony with our environment is crucial for the well-being of our planet and future generations. As individuals, we have the power to make a positive impact by being mindful of our actions and fostering a sense of community around environmental consciousness. Building a community of people who are heedful of their environment starts…