DAY:3 Anger is the worst advisor – an Erasmus+ project

The plan was to go for paintball – which turned out not to be true as it was mistakenly arranged for the following day. Instead, we gathered in the common room and watched an episode of Oxford talks – about the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Very interesting debating techniques were used there. We then split into teams and prepared topics for tomorrow’s real debate.

Lunch passed and we were sitting in a circle in the common room, again. This time, accompanied by three Ukrainian women and their children – war refugees. Together, we held a discussion about their motivations to immigrate to Poland, as well as how they are doing and what their future prospects are.

I was getting very overwhelmed, so I skipped dancing the Belgijka dance, went to my room to have some rest, play duolingo and journal. I went out not sooner than for dinner. Today, we had pastry with a vegetable-meat combination and some cheese on top, as well as other plates of vegetables, cheese, ham and others. 🙂


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