DAY:2 Anger is the worst advisor – an Erasmus+ project

The second day started with me getting good news from my bank account – the first scheduled payment from now almost two-year old project finally arrived, although it was around five days late and accompanied with an unkind message.

I celebrated this by allowing myself to eat two pancakes for breakfast (and of course, some vegetables and meaty stuff as well). After breakfast, the goal was to gather in national teams and think about a video concept. The topic? Multiculturalism in our countries, in our case, Czechia. We had tons of fun doing it!

After this and a lunch, we had some time to edit. However, that was not the only task for the day – presentations were to be made ready till the evening. I kept editing the video, while others concentrated their energy on gathering interesting facts and creating a powerpoint. Later that evening, we presented it together to the audience.

Slovak night was the end of the day. As anticipated, it was accompanied by tons of alcohol, of which many had a tiny bit too much. At 1 am, I could hear the toilet lid and some vomiting.


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